Source: Share.js

 * @module nyc/Share

import $ from 'jquery'

import nyc from 'nyc'
import Container from 'nyc/Container'
import ReplaceTokens from 'nyc/ReplaceTokens'


 * @desc Class for providing a set of buttons for social media sharing
 * @public
 * @class
 * @extends module:nyc/Container~Container
class Share extends Container {
   * @desc Create an instance of Share
   * @public
   * @constructor
   * @param {module:nyc/Share~Share.Options} options Constructor options
  constructor(options) {
    const share = this
    fetch(options.url || './manifest.webmanifest').then(respose => {
      return respose.json()
    }).then(manifest => {
      manifest.url = document.location.href
      share.append(new ReplaceTokens().replace(Share.HTML, manifest))
      const id = nyc.nextId('share')
      share.btn = share.find('.btn-shr')
        .attr('aria-controls', id)
        .one('click', $.proxy(, share))
      share.btns =
        .attr('id', id)
   * @private
   * @method
   * @param {jQuery.Event} event Event object
  show(event) {
    const share = this
    this.btn.attr('aria-pressed', true)
    this.btns.attr({'aria-collapsed': false, 'aria-expanded': true})
      .fadeIn(() => {
        $('*').one('click', $.proxy(share.hide, share))
   * @private
   * @method
   * @param {jQuery.Event} event Event object
  hide(event) {
    const share = this
    this.btn.attr('aria-pressed', false)
    this.btns.attr('aria-collapsed', true)
      .attr('aria-expanded', false)
      .fadeOut(() => {'click', $.proxy(, share))

 * @desc Constructor options for {@link module:nyc/Share~Share}
 * @public
 * @typedef {Object}
 * @property {jQuery|Element|string} target The HTML DOM element that will provide share buttons
 * @property {string} url Web App Manifest URL

 * @private
 * @const
 * @type {string}
Share.HTML = '<div class="shr" role="region" aria-label="Share this page via social media or email">' +
  '<a class="btn-shr btn-sq rad-all" role="button" href="#" title="Share..." aria-pressed="false">' +
    '<span class="screen-reader-only">Share...</span>' +
  '</a>' +
  '<div class="btns" aria-expanded="false" aria-collapsed="true">' +
    '<a class="btn-sq rad-all facebook" role="button" href="${url}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="Facebook">' +
      '<span class="screen-reader-only">Facebook</span>' +
    '</a>' +
    '<a class="btn-sq rad-all twitter" role="button" href="${url} @nycgov&source=webclient" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="Twitter">' +
      '<span class="screen-reader-only">Twitter</span>' +
    '</a>' +
    '<a class="btn-sq rad-all linkedin" role="button" href="${url}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="LinkedIn">' +
      '<span class="screen-reader-only">LinkedIn</span>' +
    '</a>' +
    '<a class="btn-sq rad-all tumblr" role="button" href="${url}&name=${name}&" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="Tumblr">' +
      '<span class="screen-reader-only">Tumblr</span>' +
    '</a>' +
    '<a class="btn-sq rad-all email" role="button" href="mailto:?subject=${name}&body=${description}%0A%0A${url}" title="email">' +
      '<span class="screen-reader-only">Email</span>' +
    '</a>' +
  '</div>' +

export default Share